Blogging Prompts

Hello there!

Let's admit it, sooner or later everyone runs out of blogging inspiration.  You have ideas, but can’t seem to write enough about any one subject.  Nothing happens and you end up staring at an empty Word document until you eventually give up.  It's happened to me, it will happen to you.  
I have compiled a rather large list of blogging prompts.  They aren't in any specific order.  I'd be honored if you used a or two.  

Blogging Prompts

- Describe the view from your window
- Seen a new movie?  Write a review!
- New book?  Another review is in order.
- Makeup tutorial/s
- Recent photography 
- Wardrobe staples
- Hair style tutorial 
- Tips on something you excel in
- Recent DIYs 
- Random life hacks
- Short story or flash fiction 
- Hold a contest
- Host a giveaway 
- Write about your favorite makeup products
- Your favorite books 
- Make a compilation of blogging prompts 



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