A Tour of my Bullet Journal

Life can be crazy.  Sometimes you see it coming, and other times it just sucks you in like a ocean current.  Whatever the case is, it is hard to stay on top of things.

When I saw a bullet journal for the first time a few months ago, I fell in love with the idea.  It was all so pretty, perfect and precise.  I wanted to start one, but then I thought of the time a tried using a planner...  It didn't turn out well.  The problem was, I forgot about it within a week.  After recalling the experience I decided that it wasn't quite right for me.  After all, I'm not a very organized orderly person all the time like Lolly (she isn't actually all that organized anymore-she's too busy).

Last month my friend gave me an adorable notebook for my birthday.  I loved it right away.  But I wasn't sure what to do with it.  I already had a journal that I kept and a notebook that I wrote general lists observations, etc.  But then I though, hey, what about a bullet journal?

I finally just went for it.  If it was awful then I could quite, but who knew, it might be nice...  And it was!  I absolutely love bullet journaling.

This is my key.  I wasn't sure what to do, so I decided this would be a nice first page.

Here is my monthly spread.  I feel like there was a lot more going on than what is shown.

I think my daily pages look really nice.  So neat and tidy.

Ahh.  Boxes, colors, things to do.  Love.

When I first started I was afraid I would abandon it pretty quickly.  Instead I actually look forward to it.  I love coloring in boxes and marking off tacks on to do lists.  I'll probably do some extra pages soon.  If you've ever considered bullet journaling I most definitely recommend it.


Do you keep a bullet journal?
Do you want to start one?


  1. Looks awesome! I recently started my own and its great!

  2. Wow, not I want to start one!! How you made all those lines So. Perfectly. Straight. LOVE!

    1. Believe me, it definitely took some time. Thanks:)

  3. Wow, I love the habit tracker! The colors are SO amazing! I just have black, red, pencil, green, and blue, depending on if I totally failed, mostly failed, half failed half succeeded, succeeded, or went above and beyond. XD But I actually don't have a bullet journal -- it's just a random tracker. XD I really want to bullet journal because it looks SO COOL but I just don't have the time. XD

    1. Haha, I feel you when it comes to having no time. I've honestly somewhat abandoned mine...


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