I am Stronger + Loving Life
Hello, hello! I must tell the truth , I have no idea where I’m going with this post. I had one written and almost ready to publish in a Word document on my Mom’s computer. Then our Mom went out of town, taking her laptop with her. So here I am, with no idea what to say. I guess life is always like that. You can plan, prepare, and schedule, but in the end, you don’t know what will happen. Even bad things don’t always end up happening. I need to learn I have no control. Sometimes that’s really scary, but isn’t that what our faith is about? Trusting God to keep us steady when nothing else will? Over the last few years, my faith has been tested in countless ways. But God always gave me strength to pull through . I can remember crying and crying, I remember the pain and it brings tears to my eyes, but look at me! I am happy, healthy, and loved . No matter what, God was always l...