Winter Blues

The winter blues.  We all know how they feel.  They usually hit right in the middle of January when the sky is particularly grey, the ground is especially white, and the world seems to be suffering from a severe absence of Christmas. Ugh.

Well, we are here with a few ideas to help you beat the winter blues!

Our first suggestion is to bake something warm and scrumptious!  Don't worry if it doesn't turn out every time.  Lolly recently made some doughnuts, and some of them were greasy, some were salty, and the rest tasted like dog treats.  However, she also made some cinnamon rolls that turned out quite nice.    Cinnamon Rolls Recipe

Turn on some music!  That can always liven up the lull after Christmas.  Some of our favorite music right now is Nutcracker Radio on Pandora.  It has even inspired Pip to turn a batch of dolls into the Nutcracker characters! 

This leads us to our next tip, which is...

Be creative!  We were made in the image of God, and he is extremely creative!  If you need inspiration, head outdoors!  Even if it's cold, just getting out for a little while can make your soul sing!  We went sledding a few days ago, and even though it began raining (very odd for a Wisconsin January) we still had a marvelous time.

 We hope this helps you beat the winter blues!

Pip and Lolly


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